Economic Preparatory Classes ECT/ECG
Economic Preparatory Classes:
The Preparatory Class for Higher Education in Economics and Management (CPGE) in the general track (ECG) is an excellent path for dynamic students with a strong academic background who aspire to careers in management and entrepreneurship with a postgraduate degree. The two-year interdisciplinary education enables students to acquire a broad general culture by studying the human sciences while mastering computer and mathematical tools.
The ECT program (Economics, Accounting, and Social Sciences) symbolizes the Excellence of La Résidence Preparatory Classes. It is a program offered in economic preparatory classes for Moroccan baccalaureate holders in economics and management sciences, as well as French baccalaureate holders in all specializations. The ECT program aims to prepare students for entrance exams at top business schools. It emphasizes learning the fundamental principles of economics, management, law, and philosophy, as well as methods for analyzing and solving economic and social problems. Over the course of two years, ECT students take in-depth courses in areas such as statistics, philosophy, financial management, law, and applied mathematics in economics. Theoretical classes are complemented by case studies, practical work, and group projects to stimulate critical thinking, analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Students gain a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge while also developing skills in communication, soft skills, teamwork, time management, and decision-making. In summary, the ECT program is a comprehensive and versatile education for students interested in social sciences, economics, and management, offering numerous professional opportunities in business and strategic decision-making.
The ECG program is an economic track designed for Moroccan baccalaureate holders in mathematics or physics sciences and for French general baccalaureate holders who have studied mathematics as a specialization in 11th and 12th grades. The preparatory class ECG offers a highly-valued multidisciplinary approach in top graduate schools and the professional world. It combines mathematics with a substantial emphasis on human sciences and languages. This program allows students to cross various disciplinary approaches and satisfies their desire to understand the major issues of the contemporary world. The general track provides a common core curriculum in literature, philosophy, and languages, with a choice between two areas of focus: mathematics and social sciences.